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Basic usage

Applying plugin

axion-release-plugin is published in both Maven Central and Gradle Plugin Portal.

Gradle 2.1+

buildscript {
    repositories {

plugins {
    id '' version ''

Maven Central needs to be imported in buildscript, as there are some dependencies not published in jCenter repository.

Maven Central

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath group: '', name: 'axion-release-plugin', version: ''

apply plugin: ''

Basic configuration

Single module project

scmVersion {
    tag {

project.version = scmVersion.version

Order of definition does matter! First, you need to apply the plugin, then configure it using scmVersion extension and only then current version can be set for whole project via scmVersion.version.

Multi-module project

For multi project builds the plugin has to be applied only on the root project, but version has to be set also in submodules

plugins {
    id '' version ''

scmVersion {
    // ...

allprojects {
    project.version = scmVersion.version

Multi-module project with multiple versions

Sometimes it might be desirable to release each module (or just some modules) of multi-module project separately. If so, please make sure that:

  • keep in mind, that scmVersion must be initialized before scmVersion.version is accessed
  • apply plugin on each module that should be released on its own

The plugin ignores tags based on the prefix and version separator (i.e. <prefix><separator>). If there is a prefix configured then tags that do not start with the configured <prefix><separator> are all ignored. If there is no prefix configured then only tags matching the version are used for calculating the version (i.e. the version separator is also ignored).

This allows for using the name of the module with an appropriate version separator as a namespace in a multi-module project, as shown in the table below:

Module name Version separator Tags will appear as
module - module-<maj>.<min>.<patch>
moduleV2 - moduleV2-<maj>.<min>.<patch>

For example, within module, tags that do not start module- will be ignored.


Note that if the version separator appears in the prefix then tag parsing will fail. For example, the two prefixes below will not work if the version separator is -:


Use the exclude() configuration parameter within a monorepo block to identify submodules that should be excluded from consideration when calculating whether to increment the version of the parent project. Typically, you would do this in the top level project, assuming that submodules are named after the directory they appear in:

scmVersion {
    monorepo {
        exclude(project.subprojects.collect({p ->}))

Use the include configuration parameter within a monorepo block to identify dependencies directories that should be added to consideration when calculating whether to increment the version of the parent project. For example if we have 2 modules A & B in our repository, and we have a composite build of A that has a dependency on B we can set on A a dependency on B and get increment to the version of A even if its code did not change, but we only had changes in B

Note: these values need to be relative to project root

scmVersion {
        monorepo {

Version calculation rules: 1. Changes to files within a submodule increment that submodule's version only. 2. Changes to a submodule do not cause a change to the parent project's version if the parent is set to ignore that submodule, via exclude(). 3. Changes to files in the parent project but which are not in a submodule identified via exclude() will cause the parent project's version to increment but not the versions of any submodules. If this is desired then consider wiring the createRelease or release tasks of the submodules to be dependencies of the tasks of the same name in the parent. 4. Changes to directories provided with include configuration will also cause an incrementation of version (even if the main module did not have any changes)


# ./gradlew currentVersion

# ./gradlew release

# ./gradlew cV

GitHub workflow context

If release task is executed in GitHub workflow it will generate an output variable released-version that you can access later on in your workflow steps.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - id: release
        run: ./gradlew release
      - run: echo ${{steps.release.outputs.released-version}}

Accessing previous version

Property scmVersion.previousVersion contains the previous version String. This property is never null. If there are no previous tags previousVersion will be the same as undecorated current version. This property is useful for scenarios like automated changelog generation between previous and current version (#138). Example usage:

tasks.named("myChangelogGenerator") {
    previousRevision = "release-" + scmVersion.previousVersion
    // ...